
Built Web Faster And Better

Once a client collaborated with us and requested to establish an affiliate website on the pets niche within the period of three days only. Yes, three days only! Typically, we design a website in seven days but to support our customers in the time of emergency, we agreed on the said time limit.With the effort of our developers, graphic designers, and SEO experts, we successfully crafted a well-functioning website from buying a reliable domain to building ten fast-speed website pages and designing an attractive logo to setting top-quality images. Yes, we did this all!The experts’ strategies and long-term plans played a massive role in making the website successful and lead-generating.

The Channel Ronaldotech
Followed To Build Faster And Better Website

Step 01

Purchased Domain And Hosting

Like random website development tracks, our first step was buying a domain from a reliable site and creating an email ID. Since we have been in this field for so long, we have significant interaction with various web hosting companies that offer secure space to store all your website content – so we accomplished this entire process within an hour.After that, enough time was left to focus on website designing, so we gave all our attention to website designing. 


Bonus Step: To avoid any inconvenience or delay, we bought the hosting and domain from the same site. In addition, we also took the responsibility of renewing the website hosting as our client was not tech-savvy.

Step 02

Designed The Website

Since it is a crucial step, we asked our pro team member to design the website by considering the following facts:

  • Targeted audience
  • Information regarding the pets
  • The products client wanted to sale
  • Queries reader/buyer could have
  • The sequence of buyers’ activities 


The website’s structure highly matters, particularly if it is an affiliate website, because it keeps it managed and convenient for the buyers. We went many steps ahead of our competitors by designing an easy-to-navigate and user-friendly site. 

Pro Step: We drew a visual sitemap to keep the client and our staff involved. The sitemap made the developing process more managed and more transparent.

Step 03

Developed The Website

Step after step, the cruciality kept increasing, and at this phase, we performed the following tasks that might be easy for you to read but literally meticulous in performing:

  • Updated advertising strategies
  • Incorporated information on special offers
  • Showcased contact information
  • Designed prices, products, and services
  • Displayed opening-closing timings
  • Set the appearance and themes of the site


Bonus Step: We don’t craft the website with short-term goals; we work on long-term goals and design a website that is less maintainable, foolproof, and futuristic. So we did the same in this case!  

Note: We Didn’t Skip Anything While Rushing⸺website’s visibility on mobiles and smartphones can increase site’s traffic. Therefore, we optimized the website on smartphones as well. 

A Parallel Step To Phase 3: Added And Managed The Website Content (SAVED OUR TIME)

We performed this step parallel to phase 3⸺the time our developer was designing the website; meanwhile, our content writer generated the landing page content – it helped us meet commitments! 

The Strategies We Adopted For Content Of the Landing Page: 

  • Placed the engaging information first
  • Used the plain language
  • Ensured content was quick to scan
  • Implied clear headings
  • Kept paragraphs precise
  • Involved SEO in every step

Note: As we believe in continuous support – we offered the service to keep their website content up to date! Such as if they launch a new service or revise the previous one!

A Pro Step: We also engaged our photographers to capture the pictures of customers’ products, so our website may look more natural.

Step 04

Graphic Designers Designed The Relevant Images

Our graphic designers and video editors worked on logos, images, and videos to grab customers’ attention.

 In addition, we performed the following tasks:

  • Built interactive tools, like calculators and estimators
  • Introduced promotional campaigns
  • Presented products and services

Step 05

Published Your website

Once the site was designed and ready, we made that live so the customers could find it on search engines. Within two days, their website was live across the internet.

Challenge We faced


  • Less Time: We were short on time and were supposed to manage a giant website only in a few days. However, we managed this project so smoothly by streamlining all our professional team members in the project. 
  • Short Resources By Client: Our client was an amateur, so we all did it on our own, from grabbing some raw ideas to planning and execution to implementation. 

👉 Overall Time

We developed a fully-maintained, well-structured, and client satisfactory website in 68 hours.

👉 Happy Clients Are Returning

The client committed us to be back in the future for Google Ads Services!

Final Result:

Ronaldotech, an expert in web development, created a fully functional website in three days. Our website had a faster loading speed and fantastic performance; it quickly started to generate revenue. Al-in-all, we reduced the website development time span without affecting the quality.